If you’re a man looking for a rich woman, you have to know where to begin. Get inside her head. Stop and think, “If I was a wealthy single women, what would be important to me? Where would I spend my time?”. In this series of blog posts, we’ll be talking about the the things that are important to classy women, and how you can find them. Let’s start off with two important things: Health, & Beauty. Let’s see these two categories of sugarmomma:
Wealthy women care a lot about their health: if she’s got a bunch of cash, she wants to be around long enough to spend it! So you can find potential sugarmommas at high-end health clubs, gyms, and yoga studios. Another venue is juice bars: juicing is amazing for your health, but it’s an expensive habit. Hanging out at a juice bar is more likely to snag you a wealthy lady than hanging out at a regular bar. Her defenses are down, so she will be more likely to give you a chance, you sexy beast!
How to Approach the Health-Obsessed Rich Woman
Educate yourself with the latest news in workouts and nutrition. If you can give her some tips offhand that will help her in her journey to fitness, you will peak her curiosity and she will want more. They work their bodies to look fit and fabulous, so you work your magic to show them what you’ve got to offer. Consider becoming a personal trainer or learn how to fix the form of a woman who is running or lifting weights. Many sugarmomma-sugarbaby romances have started between wealthy ladies and their personal trainers. Work it out!
Rich women keep up appearances. They make regular visits to high end spas & salons to maintain their manicures, pedicures, skin, hair, and lovely faces. Sephora is one particular beauty chain that is popular and expensive – you’re sure to see lots of well-off ladies there.
How to Approach the Beauty-Obsessed Rich Woman
Approach her and ask her opinion on a gift for your sister or female friend. Ask what she thinks of different perfumes. Mention that perfume smells different once it’s on the skin: you could even ask her to try a favorite on her wrist. Gently take her hand and slowly smell the perfume on her wrist. Slowly look up at her and maintain a strong gaze. This move will give you an opportunity to get close to her and tickle her arousal centers. Beautiful women are used to compliments every day, so when you first meet, don’t say tell her she’s attractive with words, say it with your body language. This will be a refreshing and very different approach, she will be sure to come back for more.
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